Thursday, 31 December 2015

Pirate Island Roleplay Prompt

Prompt (Copy paste friendly):

On a tiny island live many pirates. They have settled here when they're not robbing or treasure hunting. (My character is the lead pirate (Pirate name)), they live rather peacefully. They use this island to drop off their treasures. One day they find out a ship has crashed on the island. In this ship are many people who are not pirates at all. Just normal people heading back to England from a voyage to another country. The pirates are not happy about this. Some of the voyagers are caught, whereas others escaped and now hide on the island. What will the voyagers choose to do? Save their fellow passengers? You decide!

The island consists of a small village with a few shacks and one pub where most pirates meet up. Also a few storage rooms and obviously a dock with a couple of boats scattered across it.


>Have AT LEAST one pirate and one voyager.
>No killing unless both character controllers decide it's ok.
>Romance allowed between any characters.
>Please socialise. We won't bite.
>No being overpowered.
>No disobeying the head pirate if you're a pirate (unless you completely abandon your character as a pirate)

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